paper clips

paper clips

Friday, January 1, 2010


People compare negative things to rain...just like storms of problems, typhoons of depression but you never heard people saying drought of sadness and summer of miseries.
Most of us feels bad whenever it rains, irritated and makes you out of the mood. Everybody is complaining how would they go home, they will be soaked in wet and everything that comes to their mind that they could complain they would. Well, there are a lot of things we could take positively when it rains. There are things that you can only do when it rains like playing with mud with your playmates, having coffee and snacks with the family because usually classes are suspended so you can bond along with your family, when it rains you could stay overtime in the office waiting for the rain to stop chat around with you office mates which you can't do during office hours, sharing umbrella with a stranger and in time you'll be acquaintances. And there's this place in Texas that receives rain seldom and it even took years for them before having another rain that's why whenever it rains on that place everybody would go out and play in the rain as their thanksgiving.
These are just a few of tons of things you can enjoy during the rain. So instead of upsetting yourself just enjoy every raindrops that falls.
Glitter Words

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